“If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.”
― Maurice Maeterlinck, The Life of the Bee 

The Co-existence of man and Bees over the years have generally been known to be one of Honey and Bees; enjoy the honey sweetness but manage the bees sting.

But Bees make more than honey. They make gunk called propolis, and this "bee glue" is a powerful health balm. In fact, studies show it has anti-cancer properties.

Bees make propolis, which they use to glue the materials of their hives together, by mixing beeswax and other secretions with resins from the buds of conifer and poplar trees. Those resins have natural germicidal properties. For centuries, people have used propolis on wounds and as a remedy for ailments ranging from acne to cancer, osteoporosis, itching, and tuberculosis. 

Today, propolis is used in the manufacture of chewing gum, cosmetics, creams, lozenges and ointments and is being investigated as a dental sealant and tooth enamel hardener. A number of studies have tested its effectiveness in humans and animals as a treatment for burns, minor wounds, infections, inflammatory diseases, dental pain, and genital herpes. 

However, propolis does have proven antibiotic and antiseptic properties and may also have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. I consider it safe and useful as a home remedy. You can find it in various forms in health food stores or get the raw stuff from beekeepers. I recommend it as a good topical treatment for uncomplicated wounds and, when used as a gargle or in spray form, as a remedy for sores and irritations in the mouth. I use propolis in tincture form to treat canker sores and sore throats.                                                                                              
Andrew Weil, M.D.
  1.  Powerful against aggressive bacteria.
  2.  Antibiotics to aid in the preservation of good bacteria in the intestines. 
  3.  more soothing for minor burns
  4.  effective at easing inner ear inflammation
  5.  Inhibits Candida from growing, and stimulates healthy immune response to Candida infestation
  6.  use of propolis against fungal nail infections


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