First know your business
1.      BV: Business Volume, value for each purchase of a business (1 BV = Rp.1.111, -)
2.      PBV: Personal Business Volume, personal spending distributors
3.      GBV: Group Business Volume, the total turnover of distributors and their network
4.      DBV: Different Business Volume, the difference between the turnover upline to downline (side volume)

Climbing the Ladder of Success
1.        New Member
2.        Independent Distributor (ID)
3.        SENIOR ID (SID) 
4.        CHIEF ID (CID) 
6.        SENIOR ITM 
7.        CHIEF ITM 
8.        STAR RANK 1 
9.        STAR RANK 2 
10.    STAR RANK 3

Register As a New member at actually no cost. It is free to be a member but for protocol sake, you will need to have the following:
·         Corporate Business Manual with the following content:
              1) Corporate profile
              2) Products guide
              3) Marketing/Paying plan
              4) Rules and regulations
              5) Organizer for your business
·         Small health care booklet on Cardiotonic pill

·         Distributor chest tag
·         An ID card
 At such you will need to make up with the registration fee of $300. You will be led in to purchase some goods at once so as your BV will rise and meet up the requirements for level one.

At level one you are now an Independent distributor and as the name sounds you are allowed to take the products and the marketing plan to any where of your choice and make the unique marketing and distribution as you like it. All sales and purchases must be made through the company or via your upline and so doing, you are credited at every time you buy and sell.

At this point you receive a discount of 15% of goods you purchase from the company and you will be expected to get three members registered maximum.
Each of these three members will be your guide to growth as well as your increase in business volume. As each of these members reaches out to others and register individuals, they grow from level 1(ID), pushing you to the next level, 2(SID). Once you have three ID under you, automatically, you become an SID.

At this stage, your Bonus is increased to 20%. Whatever you purchase from the company gives you a bonus of 20% and 2% from whatever purchase made from your downlines.

As your downlines all attain the positions of SID, you will automatically be moved to CID. Here your bonus is 25%. You have more downlines and much more generations below you. The % per downline purchase becomes 1% each of their purchases.

As they move to CID, you are automatically moved to ITM.
Here is where the fun in the business starts. You will have lots of generation but will have to make it worthwhile by visiting your downlines and assisting them with seminars in their locations. Don’t forget your discount here is 30%. Your leadership bonus starts counting and you earn a huge PBV as much as 200. 
At this stage with more seminars and adverts, you can attain the next stage. SITM.

This goes on and on until you attain the position of a chief ITM. This is the level 7 and at this stage, your earning will amaze you but the fun is that you cannot stop here… There is still more…

The next stage is the Rank Stars…
1, 2 and 3.
A member who gets to 3 is free for life from poverty and any other related issues…

Advantage Marketing Plan Tasly
  1. All BV accumulated indefinitely both Personal and Group
  2. Easily done, bonus recommendations are not limited
  3. There is no cap on the ranking points early
  4. Low cost personal spending, capital quickly returned
  5. Network bonuses can enjoy a lifetime, one can still point bonus
  6. Replacement referrals, mutual cooperation
  7. Ranking is never down
  8. The division of the national turnover
  9. Award travel, cars, villas without charged
  10. Business can be inherited
I will like to show my appreciation to all you readers and those who have made out time to dig in. The land is amass but the laborers are few, join now to dig into this fertile ground and uproot the essence of it all…
I will believe you will contact us on this one and make it all worth while.
Visit the New Marketing Plan Page for enumeration of points.


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