Product Name: Tasly Probiotics Powder

    Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei subsp.casei, Bifidobacterium bifidum,Bifidobacterium animalis,Streptococcus thermophilus, inulin, Isomaltose, Glucose, strawberry powder, strawberry flavor, silicon dioxide,Magnesium.

    1 sachet per service, once a day. Eat directly or drink by pouring warm water (under 40℃),it is recommended to be used after meals and avoid on an empty stomach.

    1.Improve constipation
    2.Alleviate the diarrhea
    3.Improve immunity

    Who should use probiotics?
    1) Children: relieve constipation and anorexia and promote absorption. Healthy children need good eating and excretion. 2) Mature women: discharge toxins to improve beauty. Discharge toxins in a safe way to keep constipation away and enjoy both health and beauty. 3) Adult men: mitigate the disorders of intestinal flora and constipation arising from work stress and irregular lifestyle. 4) Seniors: smooth the intestine to facilitate excrement, remove intestinal toxins and delay intestinal aging. 5) People after antibiotic therapy: restore the beneficial intestinal flora damaged during medication.


Botanical said...

Fantastic Post! Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating
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