Product Name: Kasly Qingwen Capsules

    Natural Propolis

    4 capsules PO tid

    350mg × 36 capsules

    1. Inhibit virus infection, enhance the body immunity during stage of early infection and lower lung inflammation after infection

Traditional Chinese Medicine Kasly Qingwen Capsule Plays an Important Role in Fighting Against COVID-19.

Kasly Qingwen capsule is a commonly used Chinese medical preparation to treat viral influenza and especially played a very important role in the fight against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002-2003 in China. 

Kasly Qingwen Capsule (KQC) is developed from the two classical traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formulae Maxing-Shigan-Tang and Yinqiao-San which have a long history of clinical application in the treatment of influenza, is a commonly used Chinese medical preparation to treat viral influenza and especially played an important role in the fight against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002-2003 in China

KQC is composed of 11 herbs including Fructus Forsythiae (Lianqiao), Flos Lonicerae Japonicae (Jinyinhua), Herba Ephedrae (Mahuang), Semen Armeniacae Amarum (Kuxingren), Radix Isatidis (Banlangen), Rhizoma Dryopteridis Crassirhizomatis (Mianmaguanzhong), Herba Houttuyniae (Yuxingcao), Herba Pogostemonis (Guanghuoxiang), Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (Dahuang), Radix et Rhizoma Rhodiolae Crenulatae (Hongjingtian), and Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae (Gancao), along with menthol and a traditional Chinese mineral medicine, Gypsum Fibrosum (Shigao). 

According to previous reports, KQC has a good clinical effect on influenza with the symptoms of high fever, aversion to cold, headache, pharyngalgia, cough, sneezing, muscle ache, and so on. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that KQC also has the antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory activities.


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