What is Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen is one of nature's healthiest and most powerful " superfoods". Bee Pollen is the male seeds of a flower blossom which has been gathered by the worker bees and to which special elements from the bees has been added. The bees collected and stored the pollen in their hives. It is collected on the legs of bees and formed into granules as they move from the flower to flower looking for nectar. The bees secrete nectar and special enzymes into the flower pollen to create what we know as "bee pollen".

The pollen is usually collected by placing a special device at the entrance of the beehives that brushes it from the hind legs of the bees into a collection vessel.

Bee Pollen contains most of the known nutrients, including all of those necessary for human survival. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, including calcium, magnesium, manganeses, patassium, zinc, riboflavin, thiamin and vitamins A, B6, C, D, E and K. Because of its B vitamin complex, bee pollen is often used to increase energy and vitality. Athletes often use bee pollen for endurance, strength, stamina and mental clarity. It also contains biotin, a vitamin that is important for the skin, hair and nails. Bee pollen also provides protein, essential oils, essential amino acids, flavonoids and carotenoids, which are important for the synthesis of vitamins A in the body.

Health Benefits of Bee Pollen

  • Bee pollen seems to have the ability to restore and rejuvenate tired or ageing sex glands both male and female. To the natural hormonal substances that bee pollen contains. It can stimulate and nourish the reproductive system, and sexual stamina and endurance also seem to be increased with prolonged use.
  • Researchers have demonstrated that there is a substance in bee pollen that can inhibit development of numerous harmful bacteria. Experiments have shown bee pollen contains an antibiotic factor effective against salmonella and some strains of bacteria.
  • Bee pollen provides good protection for your skin, increasing blood supply to stimulate cell growth, preventing dehydration and smoothing wrinkles.
  • Increases capillary strength with the bioflavonoid rutin.
  • Retards hardening of the  arteries, strengthens the circulatory system.
  • Increases energy level and some boxers and other endurance-dependent athletes swear by it.
  • The sugar in the bee pollen are predigested and they convert easily to glycogen in the bloodstream, providing the necessary sugar to feed the muscle quickly.
  • Proven to improve impotence in 50% of those men tested.
  • Alleviates menstrual pain and restores regularity.
  • Improves allergies and control asthma by helping build immunity to allergens.
  • Aids in proper digestive function, relieves constipation with bee pollen's soothing effect.
  • Stimulates sluggish glands, a problem which is linked to premature aging and decreased immune response.


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