Halitosis, better known as bad breath, can be both an embarrassment and an inconvenience to deal with. There are numerous factors that can cause bad breath. Foods such as garlic and onions and even various medications can create an unpleasant mouth odor that can have a person frantically searching for a solution to this social offense. With a little help from various resources, there are ways you can get rid of mouth odor.


  •  Determine what could be causing the mouth odor by analyzing the foods that are consumed. Strong vegetables like garlic and onions can contribute to mouth odor. Potent foods like these are absorbed into the body and released into the blood stream and out of the skin's pores. Also, certain medications taken internally can cause gastric reactions that can also contribute to mouth odors.
  • Schedule an appointment with a physician for a full body checkup to determine if the mouth odor is due to an illness in the body or even due to an infection within the body.
  • Brush teeth daily after each meal and after consuming sugary or strong foods. Brushing will remove lingering odors and stains off the teeth and will help improve the breath
  • Floss teeth after each meal to remove any lingering food particles that can also contribute to mouth odor.
  • Brush the tongue during every session that you brush teeth as well. This will remove any bacteria that possibly lingers on the tongue after meals.
  • Consume raw foods like apples and celery. The acids in these foods help to remove plaque and mouth bacteria. Their texture also helps to reduce teeth plaque.


    chimithen said...

    In combating Mouth ordour, i had used several treatments and to no avail. I got several mouth cleansing agents and having utilized a large brands, i got tired of it. I decided to do a water therapy treatment for seven days, after which i placed myself on GELUSIL tablets for a period of three weeks alongside vitamin C. I was at this same time using HYDROGEN PEROXIDE for my mouthwash at night and in the morning after brushing with FLUORIDE gel. In no time soon, it was gone. Its not the procedure that matters, it is its consistence. You must be. Thanks.

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